Awards and Recognition
The satisfaction of our patients, residents, families, and care partners truly means the most to us. Our commitment to creating exceptional experiences and delivering high quality care consistently earns recognition from national quality organizations.
Joint Commission accredited
All Integritus Healthcare skilled nursing facilities are accredited by The Joint Commission.
2019-20 Best Nursing Homes
One of our affiliates was recognized as a U.S. News & World Report Best Nursing Home for 2019-20. The affiliate earned the highest possible rating of “High Performing” for long-term care. This recognition is given only to those skilled nursing facilities that demonstrate “appropriate use of key services and consistent performance in quality measures.” The annually published list is determined through evaluation of publicly available data for more than 15,000 skilled nursing facilities nationwide.
2018-2019 Best Nursing Homes
Two of our affiliates were named to U.S. News & World Report’s list of 2018-2019 list of Best Nursing Homes. One affiliate received this honor for the third year in a row while the other affiliate was named to the list for Short-Stay Rehabilitation. Five of our affiliates have been recognized by U.S. News & World Report since 2017. Only 67 facilities out of 397 in Massachusetts received an overall Top Performance rating. More than 15,000 skilled nursing facilities nationwide were evaluated for the annual list, with 2,975 nursing homes earning the designation as a U.S. News 2018-2019 Best Nursing Home.
AHCA/NCAL National Quality Awards
As part of the organization’s dedication to achieving the highest levels of quality, Integritus Healthcare affiliates are committed to the standards of the the American Health Care Association/National Center for Assisted Living National Quality Awards. Current active designations include two affiliates with Gold Excellence in Quality Awards, eight affiliates with Silver Achievement in Quality Awards, and four affiliates with Bronze Commitment to Quality Awards.
The AHCA/NCAL National Quality Award is a progressive three-step process that encourages continuous learning and development of integrated quality systems to achieve performance excellence. Each progressive step requires a more detailed and comprehensive demonstration of quality integration and performance. The criteria for each step is based on the Baldrige Performance Excellence Program’s core values and concepts.
Excellence in Action Awards
National Research Corporation’s “Excellence in Action” Customer Satisfaction and Employee Satisfaction awards recognize care centers ranking among the top 10 percent nationally with respect to how highly residents and family members would recommend to others and employees would recommend as a place to work. Our affiliates have earned a total of 15 or more “Excellence in Action” awards five years in a row (2013-2017).
CARF Accreditation
CARF-CCAC awarded the Five-Year term of accreditation to Kimball Farms Life Care Community, PineHill Assisted Living Community and Kimball Farms Nursing Care Center. CARF International is recognized as the industry standard for health and human services service providers. Kimball Farms is one of only a half-dozen senior living and long-term care providers in Massachusetts to earn this exclusive recognition. Five-year accreditation for a first time applicant is uncommon, making Kimball Farms’ achievement that much more noteworthy.
CHAP Accreditation
HospiceCare in The Berkshires is accredited by the Community Health Accreditation Program (CHAP), a distinction now held by HCIB for eighteen years. CHAP accreditation is a voluntary, objective external review of compliance with state and federal regulations and industry standards. Accreditation demonstrates commitment to the highest standards, adherence to best practices and delivery of exceptional care.
NRC Health Customer Approved & Employee Approved Awards
Across all affiliates in Massachusetts, we were named a winner of both the NRC Health Customer Approved and Employee Approved awards. Winning organizations are chosen based on customer and employee satisfaction from insights on family, resident, and employee survey ratings. This award recognizes our commitment and dedication to creating superior experiences for both residents and employees. Nationwide, only 20 organizations are selected for each category. We are proud to be 1 of 10 organizations chosen for both awards.
Hospice Honors
HospiceCare in The Berkshires and Hospice of Franklin County (now Pioneer Valley Hospice & Palliative Care) were both named 2017 Hospice Honors recipients by HEALTHCAREfirst for demonstrating a commitment to patient-centered, high-quality hospice care. These affiliates were among only six hospice care providers in Massachusetts to earn Hospice Honors in 2017. This marks HospiceCare in The Berkshires’ third consecutive year achieving this distinction. Awards are based on Deyta Analytics’ Hospice CAHPS survey results.